Thursday, July 17, 2008

How to Call Counselors?

Some time ago, I spoke with a member of the ward about how to effectively call counselors. Other than focused thought and prayer, I'm not sure that there is a secret formula to this process. When members come to ask about whom to call, I tend to give limited feedback and put the ball back in their court. I am the bishop. My counselors and I approve the decision, but we do NOT submit the names to ourselves.

My personal feelings are that sometimes callings are for those being served and sometimes they are for those being called. In certain circumstances, good people are called to serve in order to make them better and prepare them for more significant responsibilites in the future. Sometimes, "over-qualified" people are called because an organization needs strong leadership. In both cases, the Lord assures us that the teacher and the learner are edified. Don't doubt yourself if you feel inspired to call someone that you view as less-than-able. Perhaps the Lord knows more about that person than you do. As in all things, it is through our faithfulness that we grow and are blessed. Don't hesitate to give someone an opportunity to be stretched and tested. If you follow the inspiration of the Spirit, it's tough to fail. And, in the case that the person you call doesn't live up to your expectations, give them every opportunity to grow and learn from the experience. When (or if) the time comes to make a change, remember that this is the Lord's Church. He won't fail to answer your earnest prayer. Just be ready to receive the answer...

So...back to the person I initially mentioned. My advice was to think "outside the box". Don't draw up an overly stringent set of criteria. Be open to call who may not fit your idea of "fit". I also told the person to have the name(s) by Sunday. When N Eldon Tanner was called as a stake president of a newly-formed stake, he was told he could take as long as he needed to call stake long as he got them all called by the next morning. I figure if it worked for President Tanner, it will work for us.


Ju-awe said...

Interesting insight.

Bob Hamon said...

In my experience 80% of callings first make good sense. In that respect don't require a great deal of initial inspiration. Of course a spiritual confirmation of the decision should be sought and received before extending the calling.

The others come 'out of the box' through pure inspiration, once that inspiration comes, generally they too make good sense.

Others come 'out of the box' through inspiration and it is not until time has passed that the good sense for making the calling is shown.

From time to time 'out of the box' callings come and eventually time passes and they are shown to be 'out of the box' and the Lord puts it right in his own way, with inspired lessons learned.

Great blog Bishop.