Friday, August 1, 2008


First, I wanted to thank Emily Jensen for writing about Bishop Blogging in MormonTimes this morning. I really appreciated the story and hope it brings a few visitors to the site.

Now, I wanted to address the issue of confidentiality. Will this bishop cross the line in order to attract a few visitors to his site? Will he risk a confidence in order to post a salacious entry?

Folks....this is a blog. I write about general topics that will, hopefully, have a positive impact on members and non-members alike. I am not going to write about subjects that would risk the trust of my ward members. I meant what I said in Em's article...I won't write anything on this blog that I wouldn't say in a sacrament meeting.

If you are looking for something salacious, then you have come to the wrong site. The goal of this blog is to bring souls unto Christ, not damage a sacred trust.


Larry Beck said...

You might want to ask whomever hosts your blog to not put anti-Mormon ads on your blog, like the one that is there right now.

Anonymous said...

My advice (or critism...take it how you will) is to take the ads down. You don't want to risk that an ad will not coincide with your gospel message such as the anti-Mormon ad that Larry saw. Blogger allows you to choose whether or not you want to make money off of ads or not.

I admire what you're trying to do. Emily's write-up on your blog will certainly bring it some extra traffic and now you'll be under the scrutiny of many members that will be quick to judge. Have you ever read the Deseret News comments? Prepare to walk a whole lot of stuff under your feet.

TD said...

Tyler...thanks for the feedback. I did take the ads down. I'm still learning how this blogging thing works. As for criticism, I can always go back and read my own advice!

Renee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
templework said...

As one of "Emily's extra traffic" :) I just wanted to say - Excellent!

Thanks for taking the time and bless you and your family - smile

Fisher Family said...

How come I can picture you saying "Folks, this is just a blog" so clearly. Nice work TD

Nerd - not geek said...

Another first time visitor. Very good blog. Very brave as well. Good luck, and I will be following the posts.