Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One Year as Bishop

I just recently passed the one-year mark as bishop. It has been an interesting 12 months and I have learned a great deal. My ward is a fun and interesting hodgepodge of experiences, talents, and challenges (like every other ward in the Church). I still feel very young and inadequate, but I am growing in the office and I feel more confident each day. There is a mantle associated with the call and I can feel it.

I just called a new counselor. He was sustained last Sunday and will be set apart this Sunday. He's 26, so I'm no longer the youngest member of the bishopric. I'm still the youngest bishop in the stake, but at least I have some seniority in my own ward :-)! I will really miss my former counselor. He was one of the best men I know.

We are preparing for our ward conference this Sunday. It's always enjoyable to have the stake leaders visit and give thoughts and suggestions. The best part is that my newly-called 1st counselor will be conducting. Straight out of the frying pan and into the fire!

Until next time, have fun and be good.

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